Mocap, LLC was a low budget, late night, 6 episode series that aired on Spike TV in April of 2009. It tells the story of a low-rent, motion capture company operating on the fringes of the video game industry, taking the motion capture jobs “no one else will do.”
Mocap, LLC originated from a short used on the Spike TV Video Game Awards, before moving to a webseries and then a 1/2 hour sitcom. The show starred comedians Jon Gabrus, Kara Klenk, myself and Lauren Turek as “Kendall”. And the great Kevin Hines as “Brackman”, a guy who shared a conference room with us. All 6 episodes aired and the venerable Maxim magazine called it “…Always Sunny In Philadelphia, locked inside an X-Box.” The show was produced by WorldWide Biggies, and co-created by Albie Hecht. It was edited by the amazing Matt Davis. And yeah, that’s a helicopter we got for episode one- thanks to John O’Leary.
Episode 1: The Pilot, also where we motion capture sex.
Episode 2: Can you motion capture the environment? (No.)
When “Guitar Hero” and “Rock Band” ruled video games, there was a game that took it a step further. (Scott Weiland was alive when we filmed this.)
Episode 4: Motion capturing an entire relationship might seem like a waste of time, but once you do it, you realize it is.
Episode 5: Guest turns from Dom Dierkes of “Derrick Comedy”, and Kevin Maher of “Kevin Geeks Out” made this Jon Gabrus-written episode the one we submitted for an Emmy. (We didn’t submit, kidding.)
Episode 6: Season finale, why not take on the Military Industrial Complex? Also, someone gets shot. And we make a reference to the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark.